Wooden road signs going in different directions (shortened version)



Jeffrey Phillips, United Church of Christ pastor and graduate of Harvard Divinity School, believes that every human being is on a unique spiritual journey. Every person embodies the divine, the sacred, and the holy - and is divine, sacred, and holy! There’s a vast interior spaciousness in every person where God-Wisdom-Love-Infinity-Mystery-Divine Reality dwell, and which can be explored and experienced as one moves along the spiritual journey.

Jeffrey Phillips, United Church of Christ pastor and graduate of Harvard Divinity School, believes that every human being is on a unique spiritual journey. Every person embodies the divine, the sacred, and the holy - and is divine, sacred, and holy! There’s a vast interior spaciousness in every person where God-Wisdom-Love-Infinity-Mystery-Divine Reality dwell, and which can be explored and experienced as one moves along the spiritual journey.

Also known as “Spiritual Direction” and “Spiritual Guidance”, Spiritual Companionship enables clients to experience authenticity in their spiritual lives as they explore deep truths within themselves and relate more intimately to the Reality that goes by many names or no name, and which can ultimately be understood as the universe itself. Authentic spirituality promotes a client’s sense of connection and belonging to everything that is.
  • Spiritual companions support people on their spiritual journeys.
  • Spiritual companions are welcoming and present with those they companion, listening and responding without judgment.
  • Spiritual companions are contemplative, honoring silence as a spiritual practice.
  • Spiritual companions recognize the agency of the people they companion.
  • Spiritual companions are intuitive spiritual friends — accountable and compassionate, hospitable and open, loving and respectful.
  • They offer deep listening, which helps people find and follow their own spiritual path
  • They ask insightful, open-ended questions that help people connect with their authentic spiritual selves
  • They allow space for stillness and silence (contemplation) to help people become aware of what is deep within them
  • They build trust and openness by being authentic, kind, and open
  • They do not proselytize or seek to influence or convince, but walk alongside people as they undertake their individual and unique spiritual journeys
  • They honor the free will and discernment of every human being
  • They help people create a stronger relationship with self, others, and God, or however they refer to Spirit/Mystery/Infinity/Wisdom/Higher Power/Ground of All Being
Spiritual Companionship sessions focus on the client’s spiritual life. As emotions, relationships, matters of physical and mental health, and other everyday problems arise in spiritual companionship sessions, they are understood as means to explore and experience the client’s spiritual life rather than difficulties to be solved in the session. While healing and comfort are sometimes experienced in spiritual companionship sessions, the purpose of spiritual companionship is not primarily therapeutic. The spiritual companion is not a qualified counselor, therapist, or mental health professional. When chronic or acute mental health issues arise in spiritual companionship sessions, the spiritual companion may refer the client to a qualified counselor, therapist, mental health professional, or other professional.

Interfaith means that Jeffrey honors all spiritual, wisdom, and religious traditions. He is trained to provide spiritual companionship to people of any faith, no faith, and those who are questioning their relationship to “organized religion.”

Interspiritual means that everything is holy! The sacred is found in every person and in every spiritual, wisdom, and religious tradition. Divine Mystery, Wonder, Awe, and Beauty are present in nature, art, science, social justice movements, and everyday living (both the good parts and the challenging parts!). God/Allah/Brahman/Spirit (or whatever term the client prefers) is present in every place, every moment, and every thing. Life and the universe itself are sacred!

Jeffrey believes that every person possesses a vast and rich inner life that is worth exploring and experiencing. Our interior spiritual life includes our beliefs and thinking, but goes beyond them to a mystical encounter with the eternal and sacred. That unseen terrain often goes unnoticed and unexamined, but, as it is named and experienced, can come alive, opening to us an immense inner world of peace, freedom, compassion, and holy love for the Divine, self, others, life, and the universe. Interior Spaciousness = there’s a lot of holy inside!
Jeffrey’s fees are negotiable, but a typical 45 to 60-minute session costs US$60.00, payable by check, Venmo, Zelle or PayPal.



"Jeffrey’s guidance is calm and inviting. It reminded me that
attentiveness is more significant than rigor, especially in seeking peaceful connections.
Jeffrey’s direction allowed me to link life experiences, literature, art, prayer practices, and
restlessness as I reclaimed intentionality. His wide-ranging understanding of spirituality and
spiritual practices gave me freedom to explore what is most fitting for myself."

Portrait of middle-aged man (Freepik)
Interim Pastor
Minneapolis, MN
"Jeffrey’s guidance is calm
and inviting. It reminded me that attentiveness is more
significant than rigor, especially in seeking peaceful connections.
Jeffrey’s direction allowed me to link life experiences, literature, art,
prayer practices, and restlessness as I reclaimed intentionality.
His wide-ranging understanding of spirituality and spiritual practices
gave me freedom to explore what is most fitting for myself."

Portrait of middle-aged man (Freepik)
Interim Pastor
Minneapolis, MN

“Jeffrey didn’t tell me where I’m going, but helped me find comfort in where I am.
He listened, reflected, and helped clarify. It was up to me to find direction.”

Blond businessman (Freepik)
Financial Planner
St. Louis, MO

“Jeffrey didn’t tell me where I’m
going, but helped me find comfort in where I am. He listened, reflected,
and helped clarify. It was up to me to find direction.”

Blond businessman (Freepik)
Financial Planner
St. Louis, MO

“Jeffrey is an excellent spiritual companion.
I had some questions about my faith as a Christian, my spirituality,
and belief in my tradition. He is a good listener and wonderful companion.
He reassured me and made me feel at peace. I highly recommend him.”

African-American woman (Pixabay)
Healthcare Provider
Bracknell, Berkshire, England

“Jeffrey is an excellent
spiritual companion. I had some
questions about my faith as a Christian, my spirituality, and
belief in my tradition. He is a
good listener and wonderful
companion. He reassured me and made me feel at peace. I highly recommend him.”

African-American woman (Pixabay)
Healthcare Provider
Bracknell, Berkshire, England